Farm Listings
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: Arugula, Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fennel, Garlic, Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley), Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Onions, Green Onions, Bell Peppers, Hot Peppers, Baby Lettuce Mix, Spring Radish, Winter Radish, Spinach, Tomatoes, Zucchini, Winter Squash, Fresh Cut Flowers AVAILABLE JUNE to OCTOBER
Cut flowers: Fresh cut bouquets
Seeds and Seedlings: Tomato, Basil, Peppers, Flowers in spring only
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Tuesdays 2 pm - 7 pm
Sara’s Plant Stand
890 Orchard Grove Lane
Right hand side of laneway.
Products of this Farm
Seeds and Seedlings: Variety of Perennials Annuals and Vegetable Seedlings such as Hostas, Echinacea, Columbines,Lupins, Sunflowers,Zinnias,Cosmos, Cupids Dart, Bachelor’s Buttons, Tomatos, Peppers, Cucumber,Beans,Okra, Watermelon,Pumpkins and more!
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Plant Stand-890 Orchard Grove Lane
Farmers' markets: Lakefield Farmers’ Market
Pre-order directly from the farm: I take orders mid Febuary and throughout the month of May and June.
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: Ecologically grown seasonal vegetables and fruit including asparagus, rhubarb, beans, peas, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, apples, and more!
Meat: Custom-processed, pasture-raised lamb and mutton. Pasture-raised whole chicken and ducks.
Eggs: Free-range chicken and duck eggs.
Fibre products: Various wool related products and Tallow soap.
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Our tiny farm boutique is a self-serve building at the end of the driveway. Eggs are available in the fridge. Open 24/7.
Pre-order directly from the farm: Meat (lamb, mutton, chickens and ducks) are only available from the farm and are NOT sold at the boutique. Please email or call for availability. Products are limited. First come, first served! Pickup can be made at the farm.
Products of this Farm
Seeds and Seedlings: A large variety of starter plants will be available end of May.
SEED AVAILABLE NOW: Cucumber, pumpkin, butternut squash, green & yellow zucchini, sweet corn, painted corn, parsnip, golden beet, red beet, chiogga beet, rainbow carrot, danvers carrot, yellow pear tomato, sugar snap pea, borage, parsley, basil, chive, garlic chive, romaine, red lettuce, salad mix, greens mix.
Other: HERITAGE BREED POULTRY Each year we have a selection of hatching eggs, chicks, pullets, and hens available. Our 2022 breed list is Cream Legbar, Opal Legbar (limited), Black Cooper Maran, Mottled Orpington, Blue Red Laced Wyandotte (breed availability subject to change). Easter Egger and barnyard mixes are also available. To inquire about poultry orders please email us at amysvegpatch@gmail.com
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Farm gate pick up is available.
Pre-order directly from the farm: Orders can be placed via our website or email. We offer free delivery to most of our local area.
Wanderlight Alpaca Experience
874 Lynch's Rock Road
Douro Dummer
Products of this Farm
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Wanderlight Alpaca Experience connects you with a curious and marvelous animal - the alpaca - he is your companion for a private guided walk through the fields of our farm.
Shopping Options
Pre-order directly from the farm: Book your private alpaca experience at wanderlightalpaca.ca
Summer Roads Farm
1922 Selwyn Rd.
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: variety of staple veggies available at our farm store
Meat: Our animals work through our silvopasture intensive rational grazing system.
We have grass fed lamb and pastured chickens available
Eggs: Farm fresh eggs available seasonally at the farm stand
Cut flowers: A wide variety of locally grown cut flowers in mixed bouquets
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Seasonal community markets check our social media for announcements
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Located at 1922 Selwyn Rd., Lakefield, ON
Seasonally open so check our social media and website for farm stand hours.
Local stores: Reclaimed Garden Co in Youngs Point, Belleview Market and Events
Pre-order directly from the farm: Send us an email at summerroadsfarm@gmail.com if you are interested in ordering directly from the farm
CSA : Info and sign up can be found at our website:
Woodleigh Farms Ltd. o/a Cavan Fresh
528 Sharpe Line
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: Seasonal: We offer a large variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs
Year Round: We offer a smaller selection of item grown in our 4 season passive solar greenhouse
Meat: Year Round: We offer ethically raised and local sourced lamb cuts, ground lamb, stewing pieces, chops, racks, and leg roasts, we also have whole lamb and organ meat available
Maple syrup: Year Round : We offer a variety of Maply Syrup products in both plastic and glass packaging
- 250 ml
- 500ml
- 1 litre
- 2 litre
- 4 litre
- 10 litre bulk
- 135 litre bulk
- Specialty packaging for weddings, events and other occasions
Seeds and Seedlings: Seasonal: We stock a large variety of annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs
Other: Year Round: We stock and offer for sale:
- Square bales of straw and hay
- Seasoned firewood
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Limited items available at our farm gate throughout the year
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Farmers’ Market, Millbrook Farmers’ Market
Pre-order directly from the farm: Contact us for more details
Marketing group: Millbrook/Cavan REKO Network
Products of this Farm
Fibre products: Hand made Alpaca products
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Call Carol for appointment at 705-344-5403
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Regional Farmers Market
Products of this Farm
Honey: Clover Honey, Buckwheat Honey, Beeswax
Shopping Options
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Regional Farmers Market, Peterborough Downtown Farmers’ Market, Lakefield Farmers’ Market, Keene Farmers’ Market
Local stores: Jo Anne's Place - Peterborough, Green Up - Peterborough, The Food Shop - Peterborough, One Fine Foods - Peterborough, Starfra Feeds - Peterborough, Kelcey's Nutrition Centre - Peterborough, Mclean Berry Farm - Peterborough, Sunderland Coop - Peterborough, Riel Acres Farm - Peterborough
Millar's Eggs and Chicken
775 Serpent Mounds Road
705-295-4434 or 705-917-0786
Products of this Farm
Meat: roasting chickens whole and half
Eggs: Brown and white eggs Large and extra large
Shopping Options
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Regional Farmers’ Market, Farmcrest Marketplace
Pre-order directly from the farm: call to arrange pickup time
Products of this Farm
Meat: Freezer beef available by cut, as well as quarter, half, and whole beef.
Shopping Options
Pre-order directly from the farm: Call, Email or Facebook message to pre-order and coordinate pickup with Covid-19 Protocols in place. E-Transfer preferred at this time if possible to minimize contact.
Products of this Farm
Christmas trees: Limited quantity of naturally grown spruce Christmas trees. Near Keene. "Cut your own" available depending on weather.
Shopping Options
Pre-order directly from the farm: Email for details on availability.
Tipsy Willow Farm
1884 Division rd
Products of this Farm
Meat: Frozen: Lamb & Pork
Other: Lard based eco-conscious soap & lip balm
Shopping Options
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Downtown Farmers’ Market, Lakefield Farmers’ Market, Peterborough Regional Farmers Market
Pre-order directly from the farm: Order online at Tipsywillow.ca or email us at tipsywillow@gmail.com and place an order. We will arrange a pick-up or delivery date & time. (Delivery in Peterborough and Kawartha Lakes)
Products of this Farm
Eggs: Please call for availability at the farm gate
Cut flowers: Fresh, Lucious fresh cut flowers by subscription or by seasonal availability
Shopping Options
Pre-order directly from the farm: To inquire about availability please call 613-920-0516 or send an email to susan@hawthorneridge.ca; please check out our website as well at www.hawthorneridge.ca. All prices include free delivery to your location within Peterborough County!
Products of this Farm
Meat: We currently have Ground beef available $6/lb. . No fillers or additives. Available in approx 1 lb packages. Let us know how much you'd like to purchase and we will have it ready for pick up.
Contact us to have your name added to our wait list to purchase a 1/4 or 1/2.
Shopping Options
Pre-order directly from the farm: To have your order ready for pick up when you arrive please contact Karen at karen.paszternak@gmail.com
Cash or etransfer payment options
Vanderview Farms
2200 County Road 45
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: We grow sweet corn, zucchini, beans, tomatoes, green peppers, jalepeno peppers, cucumbers, herbs, squash, beets,
Pumpkins: orange, white , blue
Fall Decor : corn stalk bundles, straw bales, gourds, ornamental corn
Eggs: Brown eggs, free run hens
Honey: Honey made from hives on our farms
Cut flowers: Fresh cut sunflowers and zinnias
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Corn Maze : Come enjoy our 11 acre maze . The 2021 theme is " A Trip Across Canada". Have fun with Canadian trivia, corny jokes and photo opportunities. Great family fun for everyone.
Pick your own Pumpkins: Big or small we have them all!
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Our roadside stand is open from mid July until October 31st. Open 9:00am to 6:00pm everyday of the week at 2200 County Road 45 Norwood, Ontario K0L 2V0 .
Pre-order directly from the farm: Orders can be placed by phone at 705 639 5777
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: Garlic (non-certified organically grown)
Shopping Options
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Regional Farmers Market
Products of this Farm
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Our 100 acre farm boasts clean and spacious barns, a large outdoor sand arena and a sand round pen. Riders with some experience or hiking enthusiasts can enjoy the wooded trails and beautiful scenery.
We have other animals for you to spend time with including our four dogs, barn cats/kittens, and chickens. Visitors can partake in the simple pleasures of collecting eggs, picking apples in the fall, or catching frogs in our protected pond. Our flexibility allows you to personalize your visit to suit your interests and goals.
Other: Sheeps and Goats
Shopping Options
Products of this Farm
Meat: Pasture raised, organically fed chicken (wholes, halves, all pieces)
Pasture raised, heritage pork (packages and individual cuts)
Grass-fed and finished lamb (halves and individual cuts)
Eggs: Eggs from free-range, pasture raised, organically fed hens
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Farm tours
Educational experiences
Shopping Options
Local stores: Aird Family Farm - Baltimore, Happenstance Bakery, Port Hope
Pre-order directly from the farm: Order from our online store at www.localline.ca/evermeadow and pickup from our farm. Deliveries to Peterborough are possible for larger orders.
Marketing group: Cobourg REKO Network (Wednesday evenings from 5:45pm to 6:30pm)
Bowmanville REKO Network (Thursday evenings from 5:45pm to 6:30pm)
GreenUP Ecology Park
1899 Ashburnham Dr.
Parking at Beavermead Park
(705) 927-1104
Products of this Farm
Seeds and Seedlings: Veggie & Annuals available in early spring.
Native plants: We offer a large selection of native perennials, ferns and grasses, native shrubs as well as a great variety of native trees.
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Open Thursday (10-6), Friday-Saturday & Sunday (10-4) from the May long-weekend until the Friday before Thanksgiving. Park open for walk-abouts year round.
Products of this Farm
Maple syrup: 4th generation maple syrup producer. Member of OMSPA. Grand Champion Syrup 2017 Royal Winter Fair.
4 litre $80
1 Litre $23
500 ml $14
250 ml $8
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Available for pick up or local delivery
Sugarvalley Farm and Maple Products
4047 Elmhirst Road
Indian River
705 295 6068
Products of this Farm
Meat: meat available at the Peterborough Farmers Market at Morrow Park and at the farm.
Can buy by the piece or meat packages are available.
Maple syrup: Available year round at the Peterborough Farmers Market at Morrow Park and at the farm.
Syrup available from 50 ml to 4 L size. Also have maple sugar and maple butter.
Prepared foods: Beef and chicken pot pies, as well as shepherds pies. Will take orders for larger pies, as well as tourtieres.
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Come to the Farm on Elmhirst Road - call ahead if possible.
Farmers' markets: Peterborough Farmers’ Market
Full Circle Farm
248 Clifford Road
705 651-7381
Products of this Farm
Maple syrup: 250ml and 500ml wood fired
Honey: 250ml, 500ml and comb
Christmas trees: coming soon
On-Farm Events and Experiences: Farm stay experience through Full Circle Farm Airbnb: https://airbnb.com/h/fullcirclefarm
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Farm direct purchase
Farmers' markets: Lakefield Farmers’ Market
Local restaurants: Food Not Bombs - Peterborough
Local stores: The Market - Lakefield
Products of this Farm
Other: Grains pulses and seeds available: Currently fresh rolled oats. Each season varies- Other times fresh ground flours, dry beans, and whole grain groats.Grains, pulses and seeds available
Shopping Options
Local restaurants: Our Lucky Stars-Warkworth
Local stores: Kelcey's Nutrition Centre - Peterborough, The Natural-Warkworth, TNS-Cobourg
Pre-order directly from the farm: Call 289-228-0047 to place order and pickup at farm. Pay via etransfer, or cash at pickup.
Marketing group: REKO-Cobourg; Homegrown Hamper online Mkt-Cambellford area; Green Circle Food Hub-Orono/Ptbo.
Canadian Mangalitsa Farms
1717 County rd 38 RR2
Products of this Farm
Meat: We are producers Of Mangalitsa Meat/Pork (Known as the Kobe Beef/ Waygu in the pork world.) in the Northumberland area
Out pigs are raised on pasture and in forested areas.
Mangalitsa is an old-world heritage breed know around the world for its superior taste, fat, and marbling. Sought after by chefs for cooking with.
The leaf lard makes exceptional pastries when rendered down and used in baking.
While the rest of the lard can be used as a substitute for your cooking oils, butter, and margarine. the uses are endless to making soaps etc...
Fed a Custom Mix made by our own feed nutritonalist to meet the required needs of the pigs and other animals on the farm.
We are a Hormone and Antibiotic free operation. Our pigs and animals are loved and spoiled
Pigs are supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies.
We also have other heritage breeds ( Berkshire) meat as well.
Lamb is Available. Pasture and grass-fed as well no Antibiotics and Hormones.
Chicken - Pasture-raised chicken available in limited quantities and while supplies last.
Shopping Options
Pick Your Own: hours of operation 8 am - 8 pm
location 1717 county rd 38 Campbellford Ontario.
Pre-order directly from the farm: please call 2898900438
or email Canadianmangalitsafarms@gmail.com
Gardens Plus
134 County Road 4
Products of this Farm
Native plants: see the website for varieties available as well as hours for pickup. Celebrating our 25th season in 2022. Display gardens open 4 days a week from mid-May until June 26th
Other: Hosta and other easy-care perennials. For more details including pricing, images and seasonal hours see the website.
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Greenhouses outback - see hours first on the website. We take cash and debit only
Pre-order directly from the farm: www.gardensplus.ca in early spring (mid-February until end of March?)
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: Lettuce varieties (both live and bagged), Kale, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Basil, Parsley, Dill, Cutting Celery, Blended bags using various lettuces and either Kale, Arugula or Swiss Chard.
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: We are located at 2725 Chalmer's Point in Youngs Point, ON. We have converted the old public school into a school of fish that is a full cycle of life for our plants.
Local stores: One Fine Foods - Peterborough, Sharpes Market, The Food Shop - Peterborough, Lakefield Bakery, Lakefield Foodland, Robin's Nest, Charlotte Pantry - Peterborough, Young's Point General Store, Leahy Farms & Market - Douro Dummer, The Log Cabin
Pre-order directly from the farm: Visit our site and click on 'shop now'!
CSA : We have Small and Large Pure Packs that are freshly harvested and ready for you any day of the week that is convenient for you. You can order 4 weeks and more ensuring that every week you have fresh greens!
Products of this Farm
Meat: We sell frozen cuts of Beef and Lamb, Whole Chicken and Turkey (seasonal) as well as farm fresh eggs. We practice regenerative farming practices as well as high welfare raising of livestock. We welcome you to our farm to pick up items (call to arrange) or some products can be delivered.
Eggs: Brown eggs (Rhode island red)
Other: Cedar posts
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Located at 496 County Rd 8, Douro
Pre-order directly from the farm: Contact us to make an order
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: Farm grown sweet corn, garlic, green beans, yellow beans, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash, gourds
Meat: Visit the farm during during sweet corn or pumpkin season for our favourite cuts of frozen, farm raised Dorisdale Simmental beef. Beef split sides and quarters available by contacting us in advance.
Honey: Local honey available during sweet corn/pumpkin season
Cut flowers: Sunflowers in season
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Farm fresh sweet corn, garlic, vegetables available in late July-September each year. Pumpkins, squash and gourds available in September and October. We also have our favourite cuts of frozen, farm raised Dorisdale Simmental beef during summer and fall. Visit www.dorisdale.ca to place your on-line order for easy pick-up. We're pleased to be celebrating 100 years of Dorisdale Farm in 2020.
Pre-order directly from the farm: Orders can be placed through our on-line store at www.dorisdale.ca for easy farm gate pickup. Orders can also be taken by phone at 705-295-2755.
Indian River Acres
2275 Indian River Line
Indian River
Products of this Farm
Fresh vegetables and/or fruit: All of the fresh veggies are grown on our farm. We are pleased to offer sweet corn, garlic, garlic scapes, beans, beets, cucumbers, herbs, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, squash, and pumpkins. We also offer beautiful fall decor in September and October ranging from colourful gourds and pumpkins, to corn stalks, ornamental corn, straw, and more!
Eggs: Brown free range
Maple syrup: Fresh local syrup available in amber, dark, and very dark.
Honey: Liquid clover honey & creamed clover honey
Cut flowers: Zinnias
Shopping Options
Farm store or stand: Our farm stand is open from the end of July to October 31st every year. It is located at 2275 Indian River Line, Indian River, ON.
Local stores: Morellos Independent Grocer, Millbrook Farm Supply
Pre-order directly from the farm: Order from our online farm shop at indianriveracres.ca
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